Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Lion's Club

   Today I had the privilege of volunteering alongside the Lion's Club. We distributed gifts to needy families in the community. Each family was given a bag to fill with their families needs. They also were able to pick out a coat for their family, four books, three toys, and a case tractor. Some of the people were very grateful for the charity while others seemed ashamed of our services, even though they willingly took advantage of the goods. One lady was a victim of the recent flooding in Minot, she told us they lost everything. I realize more and more each day how blessed I am, and that the greatest way for me to gain more blessings is to share the ones I already have.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011


I really enjoy lots of color and below are some pictures that have many colorful ideas. My favorite is the second picture from the top, this was done by putting crayons through a hot glue gun and letting the melted wax drip down the canvas.

                                                                                                               courtesy pinterest.com

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Chasing Faith

    Yesterday I was driving the speed limit and getting annoyed because a black Range Rover was tailgating me. I slipped into the other lane and watched as it sped past. Then it dawned on me that it was... I looked at my aunt and told her I thought one of the McGraw's was in that car. Sure enough it was Faith Hill so I followed Faith around town for awhile until I sadly lost her in a parking garage. My celeb chasing days are over, I'm not qualified.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Tis the season to be jolly

   I am so excited for Christmas and its not even Thanksgiving yet. I am not to thrilled about all the commercialism and shopping but rather I am really happy about all the cooking and crafts that I am planning on doing over the holidays. Here are some pictures of some items I hope to incorporate in our Christmas theme.

I really like these vintage mason jars. I am hoping to put votives in them and put them on the stairs going up to the front porch, and possibly lining the driveway.
I am thinking of using the burlap to wrap some of the gifts and tying them with red ribbon.
Instead of cranberries I think these soda pop lids would look very unique strung around the christmas tree.
Ball ornaments are classy but I think they are too typical.  These coffee filter pom poms would be a nice change on our tree. 
We always have Christmas cards scattered all over the house during the holidays. I thought it would be cool if I could frame chicken wire by placing the corners of the cards through the holes.

Monday, November 14, 2011


This is a poor little fellow who could hardly see and speak due to his costume. But he gladly posed for the camera.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


    I spent this past weekend in New York City. I have never seen so many people in my life. It was a very exciting experience. I really enjoyed the culture like the architecture, art, taxis, people, and food. Just when I was beginning to think that there was not another good meal out there I discovered that New York food is better than anything I have ever tasted. I know this sounds nasty but its true, I literally ate my way from the south end of Manhattan to the north end, while managing to get in there lots of little diners and cafes on the upper east and west sides. I would have to say the two most exciting events were the Rembrandt collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and watching the first group of runners near the finish during the New York Marathon. Well here are some pictures they aren't the greatest but they kind of get the point across.

    Thats me hugging one of my favorite bad things, ice cream.
  Van Gogh had some pretty psychedelic brush strokes
 I indulged, yet justified it by the three mile walk I took to get there
Central Park
   Times Square
 They say Beyonce has an apartment in the left tower.
The Dakota, this is right where John Lennon was assassinated. Yoko Ono still lives in an apartment here. A few weeks prior she came out on her balcony and waved to the people on the streets. I was sort of hoping she would do the same when I was there, but no luck.
    A theater in Harlem where many famous people performed including Michael Jackson
Well look past the traffic light, the church is Seventh-Day Adventist, I had never seen an Adventist church quite like this one.
This is a mosque in Harlem which was started by Malcolm X. 

       If anyone ever wants someone to go with them to New York give me a call. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

      I read this the other night and I couldn't help think of how thankful I am for the 
life I have here, the life to come, and the friend that has been with me and will continue 
to be with me each step of the way.

                                       The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
                                          you hold my lot.
                                       The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
                                          indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.
                                       I bless the Lord who gives me counsel;
                                         in the night also my heart instructs me;
                                      I have set the Lord always before me;
                                         because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.
                                      Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices;
                                         my flesh also dwells secure.
                                      For you will not abandon my soul,
                                         or let your holy one see corruption.
                                      You make known to me the path of life;
                                        in your presence there is fullness of joy;
                                        at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
                                                                                                                 Psalm 16:5-11

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

       Today I was thinking about my parents and all the funny new things I learn about them. For example; this summer we were in Minnesota when all of a sudden they had this notion to go check out a resort.  When we got to the resort they both went into the office. I sat in the car and waited and waited for them to come out, finally after about thirty minutes mom came to the car and told me I had to come in and watch them play pac-man. I really had a hard time imagining my parents playing pac-man, but they sure could play.  Mom informed me that when she and dad were dating pac-man was one of their favorite pastimes. For me watching my parents stand across from each other engrossed in a game of pac-man was just down right bizarre. Mom and Dad never cease to amaze me. With every new and quirky thing I learn about them I can't help but love them even more.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


      Several weeks ago I was at my grandma's house. I woke up from a nap to the smell of cigarette smoke wafting through the bedroom. I got up and looked out the window trying to see where the smoke was coming from. There was Elsa, sitting in her faded plastic lawn chair staring intently at what seemed nothing. As days passed I came into contact with Elsa several times. I heard about her cigarettes and how she was wanting to quit but she wandered if it was worth it because either quitting was going to kill her or not quitting would eventually do the same. She said the cigarettes she bought were the cheapest ones she could possibly find, they burned up before a few puffs. I also heard lots of Germany, she lived their during Nazi reign. Elsa likes German food and  the potato salad she makes is pretty mean. Her accent is strong and so is her language, but beneath the old wrinkles and harsh language, which speak of a difficult past, lies a very honest and encouraging old lady. The other day she saw me and started talking to me for a bit, she then confessed for keeping me and told me to go on home. I started walking towards grandma's house until she piped up again. "How you liking your school kid?" she questioned in her thick german accent.
     " I like it" I said.  

     " You're lying to me aren't ya?" I looked at her shocked,

     " Yes I am. I guess, I really do not like it at all" I confessed.

     " Well just hang in there kid, you can do it"

     When I walked away I felt so thankful for Elsa. I suppose because I felt like she understood me and she was there when I needed someone with encouragement. I really want to get to spend more time with her and hear her life story. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Listen Kate

Last Sunday I decided to go on a walk with my grandpa. We got out of the car and started to take a leisurely stroll up a hill. Grandpa stopped every so often to point out to me all sorts of flowers, trees, and bushes. One time he stopped and said, "Listen Kate do you hear that bird? Do you know what that is?" I had no clue as to what bird he talking about, I didn't even hear a bird. It took me so long to hear that bird until finally I heard it chirping loud and clear. At first I thought "this is not a good situation, I am becoming deaf." Then I realized that is not possible I am perfectly capable of hearing, its just my mind is cluttered. As we got to the top of the hill we met several walkers and runners most of them listening to music. Grandpa told me that it was a shame that these people were all plugged in because they were missing out on a lot. I had to agree with him, they were missing out and I had been too. I suppose we live such fast paced cluttered lives we become comfortable with the constant stimulation. Nature is something that is capable of giving everyone peace of mind. I know this is what I need and what I want more of. I just have to be willing to stop and listen.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

May/15/2010 (journal entry from junior year of high school)

Well I guess this is what I planned on, God. Blue water, snow capped mountains, and blue sky. This is where I asked you to meet me and its apparent you have. I didn't expect any visitors, but Eddy wanted to join me. Anyway thank-you so much for the sunshine its great! I'm reading Romans 12, it's really good. I ask you to reveal anything that should be revealed to me in this chapter. "He that showeth mercy cheerfully." "Therefore if thine enemy be hungry, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing that then shalt thou heap burning coals of fire upon his head." "Be not overcome with evil but overcome evil with good". Lord today I ask that you impart your love in me, help me be more like you and think less of myself.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

For God called you to do good... He is your example, and you must follow in his steps. = 1 Peter 2:21
Incredible idea no. 1 of the day: push the snooze button
Incredible idea no. 2 of the day: talked to God
Incredible idea no. 4 of the day: drive to whole foods
Incredible idea no. 6 of the day: buy BENSIMON shoes
Incredible idea no. 11 of the day: tell the dressing room attendant at Marshalls how much I enjoyed her singing... it made her day.

Monday, September 19, 2011

English 101 (notable characteristics in a famous person)

I quietly sit on the black leather chair. My eyes scurry and dance as I watch the people go about through the airport. One man is talking with aggravated tones on his phone. Another women angrily yells at her whining little boy. A woman frustratedly tries to get her ticket information confirmed with an agent. In my mind, I formulate reasons and excuses for the people’s behavior. Despite the benefit I try to give them, their attitude still marks itself in my mind as churlish and selfish. As a result of this I find myself stereotyping cities, countries, and races based on a few people’s behavior. I suppose I am a person who basis my thoughts on emotions instead of facts. However, as I begin to think about what each person posses and the abilities we have, I began to see the beauty in people. You do not have to look far to see beautiful characteristics displayed among humanity. Every city, country, and race has the beauty and love that stimulates our world. I believe some of the most notable people are people who dream and pursue, people who fail and endure, and people who lead yet are servants. One of my heroes is Sir Ernest Shackleton. I never thought that I would come to appreciate a seaman so much, but here are the reasons I find this man so inspiring.

Sir Ernest Shackleton knew there was a need for further exploration on the continent of Antarctica. Despite the difficulty in finding proper support and funds, Shakleton continued being persistent about his dream and the world’s need. Eventually the captain’s efforts paid off. He got his crew and ship, which was aptly named Endurance. Shakleton was about to lead a small crew of men on one of the most dangerous voyages. When the Endurance had sailed her last inch through thick ice floes, the men stood on the cold hard ice as they watched their beloved ship slowly be crushed by the unyielding floes. The trek would now have to be taken on foot across the frozen terrain. Knowing his duty as a leader to keep his men alive no matter the cost even if it meant forfeiting meals or a blanket, which he did on many occasions, Shackleton seized opportunities to help his crew, which displayed his spirit of servitude. At times I am sure he questioned the plight and wondered if all hope was lost. Yet he never let an ounce of doubt be revealed to those who questioned hope. The captain had determined his crew would all return to their homeland alive. After safely taking the crew to an uninhabited island, Shackleton faced a hard decision; the men were becoming delusional and they needed medical attention quickly. Shackleton could go and try to find help on South Georgia, which was 600 miles away through one of the most dangerous seas or he could wait and hope someone would find them. He chose to go to South Georgia. He took a few men and a life boat which had been modified with sails. After days on the tumultuous seas, they still had no way of knowing if they were going the right direction. Days passed without sun before tiny rays shimmered down through the clouds and they were able to see with their sextant if they were going the right direction. A few days later the little entourage landed on South Georgia. The men were rescued from the uninhabited island and all made it safely back to their homeland.

What I have learned from the story of Shackleton is of a man who had a dream, which he recognized as a need, which later became reality. I think there are many people in the world that have dreams which they are afraid to voice because of the judgement society may place on them. If only we could see that our dreams might become some society’s greatest needs. To have passion about our unseen dreams and to proclaim them as a coming reality is the only way we will further explore to our limits. Often dreams do not actually happen the way they do in our minds. I often find myself forming a utopia out of my dreams. I believe our imagination’s are often like a drug pushing out the realities of life for brief moments to give us a sense of hope and joy. Despite the fact that many dreams fail we must remember that failures will make us stronger people if we let them. We cannot let pain overtake us; we have to overtake pain. We can only do this by having endurance: by getting back up when we fall and by continuing to the have the hope and the joy that our imagination gives us carry out into our every day life. When our dreams finally become a reality, it is our duty to become leaders of them. We had the vision to start with and we need to maintain the vision when we finish. Leaders who are able to communicate to all types of people and to bring all together to catch their vision are the greatest leaders. These leaders also have the potential to be effective servants to all mankind. These are the characteristics I see that make the story of Sir Ernest Shackleton such a motivating and beautiful one. These are the characteristics I want to develop in my own life.

I want to live my life like a painter paints a picture: some people may walk by and question if the artist really knows the strokes he is taking. Others will walk by and notice some new and innovative form of art being expressed. Others will walk by and laugh. I still want the strokes to continue to be brushed across the canvas despite the crowd. When the painting is complete and the artist steps back, I want him to notice the soft rays of light reflecting a kind person wanting to nourish a new way of life to those sequestered by the darkness of the indifferent crowd. I want him to see bright colors reflecting the passion I have for the dreams I want to see made into realities. I want him to see the quiet shadows where I go to find peace of mind. I want him see life illumined from the painting; life which has grabbed hold of attributes such as love, leadership, hope, servitude, and endurance.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cigarettes, Fried Chicken, and Car Exhaust.

After Driving over a thousand miles I finally reached my destination. Nashville Tennessee. The sights and smells greeted me back to the city where some of my fondest memories had been made. Upon arrival the humidity was almost unbearable. The car exhaust, which fumigated the streets, made me only want to take in shallow breaths. Greasy food permeated the air, beckoning people to indulge in one of america's biggest caterers to the healthcare industry. Southern accents reminded me of the accent that I once could call my own. And cigarette smoke was the golden bow which made the package. This is the place I was calling Home. Instead of bars (which I am accustomed to) lining street corners. Baptist churchs border the many Avenues and Boulevards. I was living in the Bible belt of America.
The city lights had snatched from my view the canopy of stars that sprawled above me. The only celestial bodies I could see were the moon and Venus. Cicadas hummed loudly through the muggy August night. Days before I found myself gazing into the milky way galaxy as I watched stars gently streak across the midnight sky. I also found myself driving through fields of wheat as it gently rustled across the desolate prairies.

My home was a simple place. This House was large and extravagant. I now had a king size bed, instead of a sleeping bag. A walk-in closet instead of a few shelves and a clothes rack. A jacuzzi bathtub, instead of the small shower which almost gave me claustrophobia attacks. I was now being driven in a Lexus instead of a pick up truck The city was different, my new home was different, life was completely foreign. A new chapter in my life had begun and I wondered how on earth I could possibly embrace it. All I knew to do was pray.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 19 2011

5:01 am: Woke up began painting a backdrop for a play
7:45 am: Went to work
8:10 am: Cleaned out the drainage ditch
9:00 am: Picked up liter
10:45 am: Bought plants
11: 30 am: Planted junipers
12:22 pm: Went home and ate
1: 15 pm: Painted backdrop
4:30 pm: Off work!
5:45 pm: Took a nap
7:50 pm: Woke up
9:30 pm: Walked the dog with Andrew
11:51 pm: Blogging about major events of my day
----------: Say prays and talk to God about the day.

Tomorow: mow, Mow, MOW!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Banff Springs Hotel

Sunday, May 15, 2011