Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Luke + Rumi

   Luke and Rumi were two of my first grade students. Both of them had very good english so I got to know them a bit better than some of the other children. Whenever we sang songs during class Rumi could always be heard, she never ceased to call me Shara teacher and she was always quite insistant on making sure that I looked at every detail of her school work and gave it an A+. Often times I would pass by her and she would ask me, "Shara teacher how are you?" "I am doing good. How are you doing?" Rumi's response was  always, "I am fine".
   Luke was very demanding when I first arrived at the orphanage but as time progressed he became one of my favorites. Luke just wanted to be with me. Unlike many of the children he never demanded I give him stuff. Sometimes I would take Luke on walks and he would be nearly silent the whole time. I remember asking him how long he had been at the orphanage, he wasn't sure but he thought he came when he was three. I asked him why he came. He told me that his parents could not take care of him any more so it was better that he go to the orphanage. I will not forget how on the day that I left the orphanage Luke kept pulling on my shirt telling me that I was not leaving. I told him I had to go and his only response was "No". I told him to be good, "No". I told him I would miss him, "No". I told him I would come back, "No Shara teacher". I miss Luke very much and will not forget all my Luke memories. 


  1. Wow that's really powerful. It's amazing how we can be so ungrateful and yet have so much!

  2. Yeah its really disgusting. I am a much more appreciative person because of the experience.

  3. Girly. You amaze me so much. Praise God for the experience and the lesson He had taught you. When do you plan to go back???
