Saturday, January 28, 2012

Week Two

   This a hindu girl that lives two villages away from the orphanage

    Right now I am sitting on the roof.  The sun just disappeared into the smoggy horizon. And I am now trying to recall the best parts of my week to share with you all. Teaching was fun as usual. This past monday I found a large book at the bottom of a dusty stack in the library it was filled with stories of Curious George. When I was younger I really enjoyed being read Curious George and I hoped the first graders here would as well. When it's reading time they ask where is George? The teachers really like it too. Multiple times I have been asked to share a stories for worships. Usually it's just minutes before they want me to share. So I rack my mind for a story with a moral and a good bible verse. So far the moral has always been children obey your parents. I wish I had more stories!
   Yesterday I took two boys to town, Luke and Bartholomew. I bought them Oreo's and mango drinks. The kids at Banglahope really have it so much better than all the other kids here in Bangladesh. As we walked through Hili I noticed small kids would trail behind us for a few minutes and then disappear behind the corrugated tin shacks and then reappear. I am sure they were hungry and I know they needed some more clothing. I wish I could supply everyone with a warm home, nice clothes, and food.
   One of the other missionaries decided he wanted some chicken to eat. We went into this large barn filled with vendors and cages full of chickens.  He chose a white live chicken and paid 320 taka for the bird. Which is about four dollars...I think. You know sometimes things just don't seem to clean here. The barn was swarming with flies there were bowls of blood. Blood dripped all over the barn floor, there was a nasty looking fresh rooster comb and beak and many other unidentifiable chicken parts.
  Today was Sabbath. We had a very american meal for lunch. Mashed potatoes, fruit salad, green beans, fried bread, apple pie and ice cream. This afternoon we went for a walk through several little villages. I feel like I am a disciple of Jesus, we go around talking and giving aid to the needy. It's always  an accomplished fulfilling feeling that wells up inside me when I know that we are helping.


  1. My dear twin. That I am so Proud of you. Even better, Our Father in Heaven is Proud of you two. Praise God for your Work you are doing for Him. That part of the kids following you guys was so sad. Brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for sharing. God Bless.

  2. Thanks Ying Yang, I know God is here and directing all of us. It is incredibly sad, I cant wait until heaven.
