I took this picture with my ipod while crossing a bridge in Dhaka, Bangladesh. At the time my reaction to the beggar was turning my head the other direction. I couldn't help notice the scars and mutilations to his body. I never gave him any money or showed any sympathy. I just tried to discretely snap this picture as I walked past.
When I think back on this experience I wonder, who was really underneath the scars and the mutilations? Whose heart was tucked beneath the sweat and dirt caked skin? Was it someone who had given me a home, parents, money, education, and healthy body? Was it someone who had ordained the beating of my heart? I think that I had been partying with His grace for so long, I was inebriated, I could no longer see the giver of that grace. "Everyone you meet is Jesus in disguise."-Mother Teresa
That's scary to think how many people you have blown off before...